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These are programs that simulate and play the games from the console they are modeled after but please take note of the disclaimer below.

The ROMs on the following pages are for backup purposes only. If you do not own the actual game, you must delete the ROM from your hard drive within 24 hours.

These ROMs will never be sold for profit, or distributed with emulators as a package. 
 You will never hold anyone here at this site for any damages caused by the ROMs or emulators. 

For legal issues, if you are affiliated with any government, anti-piracy group, IDSA group, former workers of, or any other related groups or organizations, you will not enter the website, download any of the files, or view any of the HTML. If you enter this site, you disagree to these terms violate code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995. This means you cannot persecute our ISP(s), any person(s), or company that is storing these files. You cannot persecute family, friends, individual(s) who runs or maintains this website, visitors, or anyone affiliated with this website.
If you agree to these terms, click on the link below to reach the Emulator downloads section.

Emulator downloads